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Dr Zakir Naik Ikan Paus dan Tragedi 2 Hari 1 Malam Kematian Yesus

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Post by tionghoaindonesia Wed 21 Apr 2021, 4:57 pm

Dr Zakir Naik Ikan Paus dan Tragedi 2 Hari 1 Malam Kematian Yesus

The English translation can be read at below of the Indonesian text)
" Janganlah kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk meniadakan hukum Taurat atau kitab para nabi. Aku datang bukan untuk meniadakannya, melainkan untuk menggenapinya" - Matius 5:17

Yesus Mati 3 Hari dan 3 Malam
Salah Kaprah Jumlah Hari Kematian Yesus di Salib

Dalam sebuah Debate Kristen dan Islam, Dr Zakir Naik seorang ilmuwan muslim mengatakan bahwa Yesus tidak disalib, melainkan diangkat langsung olleh Allah ke surga, sementara yang disalib adalah orang lain. Zakir Naik menggunakan ayat tanda Yunus dalam Matius 12:39-40 12:39 Tetapi jawab-Nya kepada mereka: "Angkatan yang jahat dan tidak setia ini menuntut suatu tanda. Tetapi kepada mereka tidak akan diberikan tanda selain tanda nabi Yunus. 12:40 Sebab seperti Yunus tinggal di dalam perut ikan tiga hari tiga malam, demikian juga Anak Manusia akan tinggal di dalam rahim bumi tiga hari tiga malam."
Dr. Zakir Naik berpedoman bahwa Yesus mati pada hari Jumat Agung jam 3 sore, dan bangkit pada hari minggu subuh. Sehingga Zakir Naik ngotot bahwa hal ini mengingkari (dusta dari injil) perkataan Yesus sendiri bahwa Anak Manusia akan tinggal dalam rahim bumi tiga hari dan tiga malam. Memang kalau dihitung, dari hari Jumat jam 3 sore, sabtu jam 3 sore dan minggu subuh, maka hanya ada 2 malam dan 1 hari.

Saya penasaran, sebagai bekas anak sekolah minggu yang polos, yang belajar dari guru yang polos juga, maka selama ini saya mengikuti kalendar Nasional dan Internasional bahwa hari Jumat Agung tanggalan merah, artinya hari ibadah di Gereja memperingati Kematian Isa Almasih. Hari Minggu tanggalan merah juga, namun bukan karena hari minggu nya, namun karena hari minggu setelah Jumat Agung adalah ibadah di gereja memperingati hari kebangkitan Yesus Kristus. Dan saya cukup shock dengan pernyataan Zakir Naik bahwa Yesus berdusta karena seharusnya sudah booking hotel Rahim Bumi 3 hari 3 malam, kok baru 2 malam 1 hari sudah Check Out ?

Selidik punya selidik.. Ternyata ada kesalahan tradisi gereja seperti hal nya dengan Yesus lahir tanggal 25 Desember. (Mana ada padang rumput untuk makan domba di musim salju atau paling tidak itu musim gugur yang sangat dingin menusuk tulang). Peristiwa penyaliban Yesus Kristus adalah menggenapi semua tradisi Yahudi tentang Paskah (Penebusan bangsa Yahudi dari Mesir). Hari Raya Pessach ( = Paskah ) dan persiapannya diperingati dari tanggal 14 Nisan. Menurut penanggalan Yahudi, awal hari dimulai pukul 6 malam. Jadi kalau tanggal 14 Nisan berarti: 14 Nisan Malam, pagi, siang, sore menjelang pergantian hari berikutnya.

Maka berdsarkan pemahaman baru ini perbandingan urutan persiapan Paskah Yahudi (dengan Domba yang dikorbankan) versus Pristiwa Penyaliban Yesus (Yesus sebgai Anak Domba yang dikorbankan bagi penebusan dunia) adalah sebagai berikut:

14 Nisan Malam Perayaan Malam Pertama Hari Raya Roti Tak beragi (Keluaran 12 dan Lukas 22)
- Perjamuan terakhir
- Yesus ditangkap
- Petrus menyangkal Yesus
- Yesus diadili di depan Sanhedrin ( Mahkamah Agama)

14 Nisan Pagi (Pessach = Paskah Yahudi)
- Yesus diadili didepan Sanhedrin (Mahkanah Agama)
- Yudas menyesal dan gantung diri
- Yesus diadili Herodes dan Pilatus

14 Nisan Siang
- Yesus disalibkan 14 Nisan Sore
- Yesus mati di kayu salib jam 3 sore. Sebelum jam 6 malam. Bertepatan dengan penyembelihan Domba Kurban Paskah (Keluaran 12:1-28)
- Tirai Bait Allah terbelah
- Beberapa tua-tua Yahudi datang kepada Pilatus untuk segera menurunkan orang-orang yang disalib karena sat itu menjelang Hari Sabat Agung menjelang Paskah. Maka tulang kaki 2 orang yang disalib sebelah Yesus dipatahkan.
- Yesus diturunkan dari Salib dan dimakamkan oleh Yusuf Arimatea dan Nikodemus
- Kubur Yesus dijaga tentara Romawi

15 Nisan Pagi Sabath Agung Paskah
- Imam-imam meminta kepada Pilatus menjaga kubur Yesus agar tidak dicuri murid-muridNya
- Festival Paskah menghabiskan daging korban bakaran

Yohanes 19:31 ... sebab Sabat itu adalah hari yang besar-- (for that Sabbath was an especially important one)

16 Nisan Pagi - Maria Ibu Yesus, Maria Magddalena membeli rempah-rempah untuk meminyaki Yesus Kristus “Setelah lewat hari Sabat, Maria Magdalena dan Maria ibu Yakobus, serta Salome membeli rempah-rempah untuk pergi ke kubur dan meminyaki Yesus” (Markus 16:1)

17 Nisan Pagi Sabath Mingguan Yahudi

18 Nisan Malam
- Gempa bumi,
- malaikat Tuhan membuka batu kubur Yesus, Yesus Bangkit
- Tentara Romawi penjaga makam melarikan diri

18 Nisan Pagi, hari pertama minggu itu setelah sabat
- Yesus yang bangkit dari kematian menemui Maria
- Maria dan teman2nya mengunjungi kubur Yesus pada hari masih gelap
Yohanes 20:1 Pada hari pertama minggu itu, pagi-pagi benar ketika hari masih gelap, pergilah Maria Magdalena i ke kubur itu dan ia melihat bahwa batu telah diambil dari kubur

Dalam Markus 16:1 disebutkan secara implisit ada jedah 1 hari pada hari Maria Ibu Yesus dan Maria Magdalena serta salome membeli rempah-rempah baru setelah hari pertama minggu itu (1 hari setelah sabat).

Apabila Yesus Mati dikayu salib pada tanggal 14 Nisan jam 3 - 6 sore, dan bangkit dari kematian pada tanggal 18 Nisan sekitar waktu Malam sampai 18 Nisan subuh, maka Apabila 18 Nisan subuh adalah hari minggu (hari pertama setelah sabath/sabtu), dikurangi 3 hari 3 malam, maka Yesus mati disalibkan pada hari Rabu menjelang malam (14 Nisan menjelang pergantian malam 15 Nisan) bukannya hari jumat agung sesuai tradisi tanggalan merah kalender. Nah yang tidak mungkin digeser adalah hari minggu sebagai kebangkitan Yesus. Sebab disebutkan saat itu adalah hari pertama minggu itu. Jadi hari pertama minggu itu pastilah hari minggu. Sedangkan yang tidak disebutkan harinya adalah hari apa tanggal 14 Nisan siang itu? Maka hari pada tanggal 14 Nisan siang bisa dianggap mengikut hari pertama minggu itu saaat Yesus bangkit dari kematian. (18 Nisan adalah hari Minggu) Jadi menjadi teranglah teka-teki guru sekolah minggu tentang Paskah yang membuat saya ingin menulis catatan tentang Dr. Zakir Naik Ikan Paus dan Tragedi 2 Hari 1 Malam Kematian Yesus.

Bagi yang kenal dengan beliaw titip salam untuk Dr. Zakir Naik, bahwa Yesus dan Alkitab Kristen tidak berdusta. Jadi masalah check out 2 malam 1 hari rupanya hanyalah karena dr. Zakir Naik sang ahli bedah; saat membedah ikan Paus, pisau bedah dan pinset nya tertinggal di perut ikan jadi terburu-buru check out.

Sekali lagi Dr. Zakir Naik berdalih bahwa seperti tanda Yunus di perut ikan: Yunus hidup di perut ikan, sedangkan Yesus mati di Rahim bumi. Tetapi Zakir Naik lupa, Alkitab tidak menjelaskan Yunus dalam keadaan hidup pingsan atau mati kemudian dibangkitkan oleh TUHAN baru dimuntahkan ke pantai di Niniwe. Iman Kristen mengatakan bahwa Yesus mati biologis nya tetapi RohNya masuk ke Rahim bumi (alam maut) untuk memberitakan keselamatan kepada orang-orang mati sebelum jaman itu. Dan kuburan Yesus bukanlah masuk ke dalam tanah kemudian ditimbun seperti orang-orang miskin pada umumnya, melainkan menggunakan Makam orang kaya yakni gua yang besar bernama Yusuf Arimatea seorang anggota Sanhendrin. Jadi bahkan Jasad Biologis NYa pun tidak masuk ke Rahim bumi melainkan ada di dalam gua. Yang disebutkan masuk ke Rahim bumi justru ROH NYA.

1 Petrus 3:18 Sebab juga Kristus telah mati sekali untuk segala dosa kita, Ia yang benar untuk orang-orang yang tidak benar, supaya Ia membawa kita kepada Allah; Ia, yang telah dibunuh dalam keadaan-Nya sebagai manusia, tetapi yang telah dibangkitkan menurut Roh, 3:19 dan di dalam Roh itu juga Ia pergi memberitakan Injil kepada roh-roh yang di dalam penjara, 3:20 yaitu kepada roh-roh mereka yang dahulu pada waktu Nuh tidak taat kepada Allah, ketika Allah tetap menanti dengan sabar waktu Nuh sedang mempersiapkan bahteranya, di mana hanya sedikit, yaitu delapan orang, yang diselamatkan oleh air bah itu.

1.Yesus Kristus tidak disalib pada hari jumat, melainkan hari rabu tanggal 14 Nisan, bertepatan hari Paskah Yahudi, dan proses penyaliban Yesus sesuai dengan proses Paskah Yahudi.

2. Tuduhan Dr. Zakir Naik bahwa Injil berdusta ternyata salah, sebab Yesus mengatakan 3 hari 3 malam di dalam rahim bumi, sedangkan kenyataannya meneurut Dr Zakir Naik Yesus hanya 2 malam 1 hari dikubur adalah salah. Sebab bila Yesus tidak disalib hari Jumat seperti kalender yang umumnya kita pakai (Kalender Gregorian), tetapi Yesus disalib hari Rabu tanggal 14 Nisan dan wafat sekitar pukul 3 sore sampai 6 sore menjelang pergantian hari. Yesus bangkit pada tanggal 18 Nisan malam. Jadi Yesus di dalam kubur bukan 2 malam 1 hari, melainkan 3 malam dan 3 hari.

3. Tuduhan Dr Zakir Naik bahwa Yunus hidup di perut ikan dan Yesus mati di rahim bumi adalah salah. Yunus 2:2 jelas mengatakan bahwa Yunus sudah berada di tengah dunia orang mati (sheol), artinya Yunus memang benar sudah mati. Demikian pula Yesus yang mati secara biologis, namun TUHAN adalah ROH, kematian biologis namun IA hidup sebagai ROH ALLAH yang memberitakan injil kepada roh-roh orang mati di jaman Nuh.

“katanya: “Dalam kesusahanku aku berseru kepada Tuhan, dan Ia menjawab aku, dari tengah-tengah dunia orang mati aku berteriak, dan Kaudengarkan suaraku.”
‭‭Yunus‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭TB‬‬

Dr. Zakir Naik dengan angkuhnya mengatakan bahwa Penyaliban Yesus KRistus adalah CRUCIFICTED (Pura-pura disalib alias orang lain yang disalib bukan Yesus), dan dengan pongahnya mengatakan tanpa penyaliban maka tidak ada Christianity (Kekristenan) dan berati ALkitab orang KRisten berdusta. Tetapi fakta jelas membuktikan bahwa YESUS KRISTUS BENAR-BENAR CRUCIFIED, dan Dr. Zakir Naik ternyata adalah PENDUSTA dan PEMERKOSA AYAT ALKITAB DEMI ORGASME SPIRITUALNYA belum pantas menyandang keilmuwanannya di bidang Theologi.

Dr Zakir Naik, I tell you: Christ is not crucificted but really crucified and HE has risen from the death!!!

Semoga Tuhan Yesus menerangi jalan dr Zakir Naik agar ketika menceritakan kisah Ikan Paus lagi beliaw diberi pencerahan Keselamatan dalam Injil.

English Translation:
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. - Matthew 5:17

A Misguided about the amount of the day in Jesus’ death in a Christian-

Moeslem debate, Dr Zakir Naik, a moslem scientist stated that Jesus was not crucified but upraised directly to Heaven by God, while the one who crucified is another man. Zakir Naik used a verse of Jonah sign in Matthew 12:39-40, as stated below: 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Dr Zakir Naik oriented that Jesus died on good Friday at 3 afternoon, and was rised at early Sunday morning. Therefore, He insisted that it denies (Bible’s lie) Jesus’ own words about the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. If we counted, from Friday at 3 afternoon until early Sunday morning, it is no doubt that only 2 nights and 1 day.

As an ex- simple Sunday school kid, who learned from a simple teacher too, i am curious since all this time i have followed the National and International Calender that on good Friday always red, means it is a sermon in the church to commemorate the death of Isa Almasih. On Sunday the date is red too, not because of it’s Sunday, but after good Friday, the next Sunday will be the day to celebrate the rise of Jesus Christ. I was shocked enough with the statement of Zakir Naik that Jesus lied because He was supposed to book the heart of earth hotel in 3 days 3 nights, but it had already checked out in 2 nights 1 day?

Finally, From one to other investigation, it turns out that there is a mistake in Church’s tradition as happened on December 25, which assigned as Jesus’ born day (there were not meadow for the sheeps to eat in the winter, or at least it was a cold autumn). The crucified incident of Jesus Christ is to complete all the Jewish tradition about Pasch (The Jews redemption from Egypth).
The Pasch day (known as Passover Day), and all the preparation was celebrated from 14 Nisan. According to Jews calender, the beginning of the day started at 6 at night. Therefore, 14 nisan means: 14 nisan Night, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening towards the next day. Based on this new understanding, the comparison of the original preparation order of the Jews Pasch (with the sacrificial lamb) versus Jesus Crucifixion (Jesus as the Lamb of God sacrificed for the world’s redemption) as mentioned bellow:

14 Nisan Night (Exodus 12 and Luke 22) The first night of the Feast of Unleavened Bread The last Supper Jesus was arrested Peter’s denial Jesus was on trial in front of Sanhedrin (Court Religion)

14 Nisan Morning (Pessach= Jewish Pasch Jesus was on trial in front of Sanhedrin ( Court Religion) Judas was regret and hung himself Jesus was on trial by Herodes and Pilatus

14 Nisan Afternoon Jesus was crucified

14 Nisan Evening Jesus died on the Cross at 3 evening, before 6 p.m
Coincide with the slaughter of Pasch sacrificial lamb (Exodus 12: 1-28) The veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom Some of the Jews Elders came to Pilatus for bringing down immediately all the crussified people because it was almost the Sabath day towards the Passover/Jews Pasch. So they fractured the leg bones of the people who crussified next to Jesus. Jesus was brought down from the Cross and burried by Joseph Arimatea and Nikodemus Jesus tomb was guarded by Roman army

15 Nisan Morning The Great Sabath Pesach
The priests asked to Pilatus to guard Jesus tomb from being stolen by the disciples Pesach Festival to clean up all the burning sacrificial lamb John 19:31 ... for that Sabbath was an especially important one/for that sabbath day was an high day

16 Nisan Morning
- Maria the mother of Jesus, Maria Magdalena bought the spices to anoint Jesus. “And when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.” Mark 16:1 17 Nisan Morning - Jews Weekly Sabath

18 Nisan Night
- The Earth quake
- The Angel opened the rock of Jesus tomb
- Jesus was risen The Guard of the tomb
- Roman army run away 18 Nisan Morning, the first day of the week after Sabath Jesus who was risen came to see Maria Maria and her friends visited Jesus tomb on the dark day John 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.
In Mark 16:1 stated implisitly that there is a day when Maria the mother of Jesus and Maria magdalena, and salome bought the spices, that was the day after the first day of the week ( the day after the sabath). If Jesus died on the cross on 14 Nisan at 3-6 p.m, and risen from the death on 18 Nisan around night until 18 Nisan early in the morning, if 18 nisan morning was Sunday (the first day after Sabath/ Saturday), reduced by 3 days 3 nights, so Jesus was crucified on Wednesday towards Night (14 Nisan towards the turn of the night 15 Nisan) not on good Friday as the tradition of the red date calender. It’s clear that Sunday was the day when Jesus risen, as mentioned in the verse as the first day of the week. The day of 14 Nisan afternoon was not mentioned, so it’s assumed that 14 Nisan follows the first day of the week in the time of the risen. (18 Nisan is Sunday)

It’s clear now the puzzle of the Sunday school teacher about Pesach, which makes me want to write the note of Dr Zakir Naik The whale and the 2 Days 1 Night Jesus death tragedy. Please send my regard to Dr Zakir Naik, tell him that Jesus and the Christian Bible doesn’t lie. The problem of 2 nights 1 day check out was because Dr Zakir Naik, the surgeon, when he did the surgery to the whale, he might left his surgical tools in the fish belly, so that makes him in a hurry to check out.

Once again, Dr Zakir Naik dissimulates that as Jonah sign in the whale, Jesus died in the heart of the earth. However he forgot, the bible doesn’t explain about Jonah condition, did he died or just fainted in the whale and was risen by God then was vomited out to the dry land of Ninive.
Christian faith stated that Jesus died biologically, but His spirit went to the heart of the earth (Hades) to proclaim the salvation to the death people before the age. Jesus tomb was not a common burial cemetery, but a big cave belongs to Joseph Arimatea, a rich man, and a member of Sanhedrin. The biological body even did not went into the heart of the earth, but in a cave. I peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: 19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 20 Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

1. Jesus Christ was not crucified on Friday, but on Wednesday 14 Nisan, on the Jews Pesach, and the process of Jesus crucifixion as the process of Jews Pesach (Passover)

2. The accusation of Dr Zakir Naik that Bible was lying, is definetely UNTRUE. According to Dr Zakir Naik Jesus said 3 days 3 Nights in the heart of the earth, and he just stayed 2 days 1 night in the tomb, and his statement is definetely wrong.
Jesus was not crussified on Friday as the gregorian calender stated, but He was crussified on Wednesday 14 Nisan, died at 3-6 evening. Jesus was risen at 18 Nisan night. Therefore He stayed in the tomb in 3 Nights 3 days, not 2 Nights 1 day.

3. The accusation of Dr Zakir Naik that Jonah lived in the belly of the whale and Jesus died in the heart of the earth is UNTRUE since Jonah 2:2 says that he was already iin the Sheol, the dead man world. So he was really dead. As well as Jesus who died biologically, but God is SPIRIT. although he was biologically died, but He lives as SPIRIT of GOD which proclaim the gospel/salvation to the spirit of the death people in Noah’s age.

“and said, “I called out to the LORD from my distress, and he answered me; from the belly of Sheol I cried out for help, and you heard my prayer.”
‭‭Jonah‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭NET‬‬

Dr zakir Naik arrogantly said that the Christ crussifixion is CRUCIFICTED (Jesus was not crussified but other man, it was just a fake), and He arrogantly said that without the crussifixion so there is no Christianity, and it means the Christian Bible is a lie. The fact obviously proves that Jesus Christ was really crucified, and
Dr Zakir Naik is a liar and a rapist of bible’s verses for the sake of his spiritual orgasm, and He is definitely inappropriate to use his degree in theology.

Dr Zakir Naik, I tell you: Christ is not crucificted but really crucified and HE has risen from the death!!!

May Jesus Christ brightens Dr Zakir Naik’s way, when he tell the story of the whale again, he will get an enlightenment of salvation in gospel. Dr zakir Naik arrogantly said that the Christ crussifixion is CRUCIFICTED (Jesus was not crussified but other man, it was just a fake), and He arrogantly said that without the crussifixion so there is no Christianity, and it means the Christian Bible is a lie. The fact obviously proves that Jesus Christ was really crucified, and Dr Zakir Naik is a liar and a rapist of bible’s verses for the sake of his spiritual orgasm, and He is definitely inappropriate to use his Sciencetistic in theology. Dr Zakir Naik, I tell you: Christ is not crucificted but really crucified and HE has risen from the death!!! May Jesus Christ brightens Dr Zakir Naik’s way, when he tell the story of the whale again, he will get an enlightenment of salvation in gospel. Lord Jesus bless you.

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