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MURTADIN KAFIRUNexMUSLIM INDONESIA BERJAYA12 Oktober Hari Murtad Dari Islam Sedunia Menyongsong Punahnya Islam
Wadah syiar Islam terlengkap & terpercaya, mari sebarkan selebaran artikel yang sesungguhnya tentang si Pelacur Alloh Swt dan Muhammad bin Abdullah yang MAHA TERKUTUK itu ke dunia nyata!!!!
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pingin jadi korban pelecehan seksual??? rajinlah ke gereja...
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pingin jadi korban pelecehan seksual??? rajinlah ke gereja...
kalo di banyak cerita ada gadis di sarang penyamun, barangakali itulah gambaran yang tepat bagi anda yang suka ke gereja... disana jelas resiko jauh lebih besar daripada anda datang ke tempat dugem dan karaoke sekalipun, di gereja pulalah anda bisa kehilangan keperawanan, bukan hanya itu, sangat mungkin kehilangan keperjakaan dan rusaknya dubur bagi lelaki...
berikut ini petikan berita untuk anda, tentang gereja adalah sarang pelecehan seksual
hile: Sex Abuse in Catholic Residential School Exposed and Pederast Priest facing 15 years in prison
( -- Yet another criminal and pederast priest of the Catholic Church has just been exposed, adding to the more than 10 million victims of this evil organization who utilizes its false appearance of mergy and holiness to deceive the masses as summarized at:
Everything is coming to light and the systematic policy to cover up pederast priests put in place by the Vatican globally is being exposed, and the fact that no nation is exempt from the tentacles of this criminal organization.
Rogel Pinuer a pederast priest from Temuco, Chile was found guilty of sexually abusing four children. The priest will be sentenced on Sunday and could face up to 15-years in prison. The abuse is said to have taken place consistently over the course of five-years from 2006 to 2011. So as you can see, the abuse of the Vatican is not a thing of the past. The 53-year-old is said to have given his teenaged victims alcohol and money in exchange for sexual favors. Pinuer's victims were between the ages of 14 and 16 when the abuse took place.
The prosecutor trying the Pinuer case, Omar Merida said he had enough evidence to prove the priest's abuses go back as far as 20 years. "The evidence we presented showed that these same acts had been occurring for at least the last 20 years," Merida told the media. Merida also exposed the criminal Catholic Church disclosing that it has failed to co-operate with the investigation. In the past the Catholic Church has been accused of not doing enough to put a stop to Priests victimizing children. And now the world is discovering that the Vatican has the crimens solliciationis in places for decades, a policy whereby pederast priests are protected by the Catholic Church and transferred from parish to parish in order to silence scandals.
Pinuer was accused of molesting teens at the San Juan Bosco Young People's Home in Temuco, Chile.
Rogel Pinuer is due to be sentenced on Sunday. The abuses took place while the former priest was the administrator for the Catholic youth boarding school. In you can also see evidence of how systematic abuse has been implemented in catholic boarding schools in various countries including Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany, Scotia, and USA. So it is to no surprise that this information is now coming to light about Chile.
In addition to his duties at the school, Pinuer was also the priest at the Immaculate Conception Parish of Cunco in Temuco, Chile. Each of the victims in this case were boarding at the school during the time of the abuse. The prosecutor also filed two additional charges against Pinuer but they were dropped due to "lack of evidence".
Jorge Bergoglio - the snot-eating leader of the Catholic Church known as "Pope Francis" - has been putting on a charade for the press in an attempt to convince the world he is so-called "trying to crack down against sexual abuse on children by Catholic priests" - but the world is discovering the with the crimens sollicitationis policy they have in place, they have been doing exactly the contrary.
berikut ini petikan berita untuk anda, tentang gereja adalah sarang pelecehan seksual
hile: Sex Abuse in Catholic Residential School Exposed and Pederast Priest facing 15 years in prison
( -- Yet another criminal and pederast priest of the Catholic Church has just been exposed, adding to the more than 10 million victims of this evil organization who utilizes its false appearance of mergy and holiness to deceive the masses as summarized at:
Everything is coming to light and the systematic policy to cover up pederast priests put in place by the Vatican globally is being exposed, and the fact that no nation is exempt from the tentacles of this criminal organization.
Rogel Pinuer a pederast priest from Temuco, Chile was found guilty of sexually abusing four children. The priest will be sentenced on Sunday and could face up to 15-years in prison. The abuse is said to have taken place consistently over the course of five-years from 2006 to 2011. So as you can see, the abuse of the Vatican is not a thing of the past. The 53-year-old is said to have given his teenaged victims alcohol and money in exchange for sexual favors. Pinuer's victims were between the ages of 14 and 16 when the abuse took place.
The prosecutor trying the Pinuer case, Omar Merida said he had enough evidence to prove the priest's abuses go back as far as 20 years. "The evidence we presented showed that these same acts had been occurring for at least the last 20 years," Merida told the media. Merida also exposed the criminal Catholic Church disclosing that it has failed to co-operate with the investigation. In the past the Catholic Church has been accused of not doing enough to put a stop to Priests victimizing children. And now the world is discovering that the Vatican has the crimens solliciationis in places for decades, a policy whereby pederast priests are protected by the Catholic Church and transferred from parish to parish in order to silence scandals.
Pinuer was accused of molesting teens at the San Juan Bosco Young People's Home in Temuco, Chile.
Rogel Pinuer is due to be sentenced on Sunday. The abuses took place while the former priest was the administrator for the Catholic youth boarding school. In you can also see evidence of how systematic abuse has been implemented in catholic boarding schools in various countries including Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany, Scotia, and USA. So it is to no surprise that this information is now coming to light about Chile.
In addition to his duties at the school, Pinuer was also the priest at the Immaculate Conception Parish of Cunco in Temuco, Chile. Each of the victims in this case were boarding at the school during the time of the abuse. The prosecutor also filed two additional charges against Pinuer but they were dropped due to "lack of evidence".
Jorge Bergoglio - the snot-eating leader of the Catholic Church known as "Pope Francis" - has been putting on a charade for the press in an attempt to convince the world he is so-called "trying to crack down against sexual abuse on children by Catholic priests" - but the world is discovering the with the crimens sollicitationis policy they have in place, they have been doing exactly the contrary.
gusti_bara- SILVER MEMBERS
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Re: pingin jadi korban pelecehan seksual??? rajinlah ke gereja...
Judul sama isi , merupakan kenyataan terinterpolasi..
(perkiraan terbalik dan salah alur)
candra kandaraa- Number of posts : 1
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Registration date : 2019-08-31
pingin jadi korban pelecehan seksual??? belajarlah sama ustad...
buncis hitam- SILVER MEMBERS
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Job/hobbies : Menunjukkan kebodohan muslim karena islamnya/ Showing muslims stupidity for their islamic belief
Humor : oloh wts tidak bisa punya anak tanpa memiliki pasangan, tapi mariam yang manusia bisa memiliki anak tanpa pasangan
Reputation : 14
Points : 6492
Registration date : 2012-09-15
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