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Wadah syiar Islam terlengkap & terpercaya, mari sebarkan selebaran artikel yang sesungguhnya tentang si Pelacur Alloh Swt dan Muhammad bin Abdullah yang MAHA TERKUTUK itu ke dunia nyata!!!!
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tradisi incest di dunia islam
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tradisi incest di dunia islam
tradisi incest di dunia islam
islam membolehkan lelaki mengawini sepupu pertama
The guy in the picture is 23-year old Azhar Haidri of Multan. On his right is Humaira Qasim (his 28-year old cousin that he has long been engaged to marry) and on his left is Rumana Aslam (his 21-year old other cousin who he says is his ‘true love’). He married both of them within 24-hours on October 19 and 20 in what was supposed to be his ‘dillema’ of who he should marry!
The whole thing has been a TV spectacle this last week. But what is really a spectacle to me is TV news anchors and hosts smiling and smirking as they “report” on this story – complete with “news footage” of the two weddings and interviews with the groom – as if this was one big joke!
As far as I am concerned, ruining two lives in this way is no joke. It is disgusting. And the smirks on these news anchors’ faces makes it even more disgusting.
And just when you thought it could not be any more disgusting than it is, there was the groom on my screen today being interviewed and saying that since he is the only brother of 9 sisters, he would appeal to people to please support him financially so that he can marry off his sisters now!
Yes, that is what he said. You know what else he said, he also said that since he comes from a place near the Prime Minister’s city he hopes that the Prime Minister will provide him with resources and support for his “honeymoon.”
And all of this is a “cute” “human interest story” to our news media!
I understand that every society has its share of freaks and publicity hungry psychopaths. But the real freaks here are the TV news anchors who are not only encouraging this psychopath but actually condoning and tactically supporting his behavior.
islam membolehkan lelaki mengawini sepupu pertama
The guy in the picture is 23-year old Azhar Haidri of Multan. On his right is Humaira Qasim (his 28-year old cousin that he has long been engaged to marry) and on his left is Rumana Aslam (his 21-year old other cousin who he says is his ‘true love’). He married both of them within 24-hours on October 19 and 20 in what was supposed to be his ‘dillema’ of who he should marry!
The whole thing has been a TV spectacle this last week. But what is really a spectacle to me is TV news anchors and hosts smiling and smirking as they “report” on this story – complete with “news footage” of the two weddings and interviews with the groom – as if this was one big joke!
As far as I am concerned, ruining two lives in this way is no joke. It is disgusting. And the smirks on these news anchors’ faces makes it even more disgusting.
And just when you thought it could not be any more disgusting than it is, there was the groom on my screen today being interviewed and saying that since he is the only brother of 9 sisters, he would appeal to people to please support him financially so that he can marry off his sisters now!
Yes, that is what he said. You know what else he said, he also said that since he comes from a place near the Prime Minister’s city he hopes that the Prime Minister will provide him with resources and support for his “honeymoon.”
And all of this is a “cute” “human interest story” to our news media!
I understand that every society has its share of freaks and publicity hungry psychopaths. But the real freaks here are the TV news anchors who are not only encouraging this psychopath but actually condoning and tactically supporting his behavior.
kermit kermitan- RED MEMBERS
- Number of posts : 74
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Registration date : 2013-01-01
Re: tradisi incest di dunia islam
kermit kermitan- RED MEMBERS
- Number of posts : 74
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Points : 4519
Registration date : 2013-01-01
Re: tradisi incest di dunia islam
mana ayatnya kresten geblek, kalo alkitab jelas :
Anak laki-laki memperkosa dan berbuat zina dengan saudara perempuannya
"Tetapi Amnon (salah seorang anak Daud) tidak mau mendengarkan perkataannya (Saudara perempuannya: Tamar), dan sebab ia lebih kuat darinya, diperkosalah dia, lalu tidur (berhubungan seksual) dengan dia." (Injil - 2 Samuel 13: 14).
Seorang anak laki-laki berzina dan memperkosa ibu-nya!
"Maka dibentangkanlah kemah bagi Absalom (anak laki-laki Daud yang lainnya) di atas Sotoh, lalu Absalom menghampiri (melakukan hubungan seksual dengan) gundik-gundik ayahnya (istilah yang sama dengan "istri", lihat Keturah pada indeks) di depan mata seluruh Israel." (Injil - 2 Samuel 16: 22).
Anak laki-laki memperkosa dan berbuat zina dengan saudara perempuannya
"Tetapi Amnon (salah seorang anak Daud) tidak mau mendengarkan perkataannya (Saudara perempuannya: Tamar), dan sebab ia lebih kuat darinya, diperkosalah dia, lalu tidur (berhubungan seksual) dengan dia." (Injil - 2 Samuel 13: 14).
Seorang anak laki-laki berzina dan memperkosa ibu-nya!
"Maka dibentangkanlah kemah bagi Absalom (anak laki-laki Daud yang lainnya) di atas Sotoh, lalu Absalom menghampiri (melakukan hubungan seksual dengan) gundik-gundik ayahnya (istilah yang sama dengan "istri", lihat Keturah pada indeks) di depan mata seluruh Israel." (Injil - 2 Samuel 16: 22).
Gongging Baladewa- BLUE MEMBERS
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Registration date : 2012-12-29
Re: tradisi incest di dunia islam
Allah SWT berfirman, “Dan janganlah kamu kawini wanita-wanita yang telah dikawini oleh ayahmu terkecuali pada masa yang telah lampai. Sesungguhnya perbuatan itu amatlah dan dibenci Allah dan seburuk-buruknya jalan (yang ditempuh). Diharamkan atas kamu (mengenai) ibu-ibumu; anak-anak yang perempuan; saudara-saudaramu yang perempuan; saudara-saudara bapakmu yang perempuan, saudara-saudara ibumu yang perempuan; anak-anak perempuan dari saudara-saudara yang laki-laki; anak-anak perempuan dari saudara-saudaramu yang perempuan; ibu-ibumu yang menyusui kamu; saudara perempuan sepersusuan; ibu-ibu istrimu (mertua); anak-anak istrimu yang dalam pemeliharaanmu dari isteri yang sudah kamu campuri, tetapi jika kamu belum campuri dengan isteri kamu itu (dan sudah kamu ceraikan), maka tidak berdosa kamu mengawininya; (dan diharamkan bagimu) isteri-isteri anak kandungmu (menantu);, dan menghimpunkan (dalam perkawinan) dua perempuan yang bersaudara, kecuali yang telah terjadi pada masa lampau sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. Dan (diharamkan juga kamu mengawini) wanita yang bersuami, kecuali budak-budak yang kamu miliki (Allah telah menetapkan hukum itu) sebagai ketetapan-Nya atas kamu. Dan dihalalkan bagi kamu selain yang demikian (yaitu) mencari isteri yang telah kamu nikahi (campur) di antara mereka, berikanlah kepada mereka maharnya (dengan sempurna), sebagai suatu kewajiban; dan tiadalah mengapa bagi kamu terhadap sesuatu yang kamu terhadap sesuatu yang kamu telah saling merelakannya, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Bijaksana.” (An-Nisaa:22-24).
kermit kermitan- RED MEMBERS
- Number of posts : 74
Reputation : 0
Points : 4519
Registration date : 2013-01-01
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