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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Thu 29 Aug 2013, 1:03 pm

Bunda Maria ternyata hamil pada saat usia 11 tahun.

Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible.  Also, the age consent in US and Europe was as low as 10:
The sections of this article are:
1-  Pedophilia and killing of "suckling infants" in the Bible!
2-  Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex and marriage in both the Talmud and the Bible.

3-  Age consent in our world today only 100 years ago to girls as young as 10.
4-  Rebuttals. 
See my rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's response.


1-  Pedophilia and killing "suckling infants" in the Bible!
Ironically, one of the Bible's 10 pillars or ten Commandments says: "Thou shalt not kill.  (Exodus 20:13)."  Yet, innocent children and non-virgin women were ordered to be killed by the mass, perhaps in thousands!   3-year old slave girls were also ordered to be raped by Moses. 
This section is divided into 2 sub-sections:
1-  Kill everything that breathes!
2-  Suckling infants were executed by the tens of thousands!
3-  The pedophilic verses against 3-year old girls.
1-  Kill everything that "breathes" from humans and animals!
Deuteronomy 20:16
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
It is certainly the Bible's principle and foundation to kill all humans and animals from the enemy's side.  If one wouldn't call that terrorism, war crimes and mass-murdering, then what else should they call it?
2-  Suckling infants were executed by the tens of thousands:
1 Samuel 15:2-4
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

A praise for dashing little children against rocks as a form of revenge:
Psalm 137:8-9
8 O daughter of Babylon, O destroyed one, O the happiness of him who repayeth to thee thy deed, That thou hast done to us.
9 O the happiness of him who doth seize, And hath dashed thy sucklings on the rock!

I find it to be absolutely ridiculous that the bible feeds us all kinds of lies and contradictions about "love your enemy", and yet, we see mass slaughter of suckling infants and innocent boys, girls, unarmed men, women (old and young), and innocent domestic farm animals by the tens of thousands!  It is clear that the inconsistent man-altered, man-corrupted and morally corrupt bible is nothing but a false book, and can not be a Divine and Perfect Holy Book!
I challenge any Jew or Christian to produce ONE, JUST ONE Noble Verse from the Muslims' Noble Quran that condones killing of innocent children, women or even hostile enemy men who drop their weapons before Muslims (surrender). 
See the Rights of Prisoners of War in Islam. 

Further more, Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.  (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"
Yet, we see mass slaughters and even rape of 3-year old girls as seen in the verses below in the man-altered, man-fabricated and man-corrupted bible.
Based on this Noble Verse, I can safely conclude, as a Muslim, that the slaughtering stories of innocent people in the corrupted bible were nothing but man-made lies and laws that were put in the Mouth of Allah Almighty:
"Know they not Allah Knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal? And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book (i.e., the Bible), but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,' To traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.   (The Noble Quran, 2:77-79)"
3-  The Pedophilic Verses against 3-year old girls:
The pedophilic Biblical verses are Numbers 31:17-18 and Numbers 31:35-40.  Below, you will see DETAILED HISTORY on these SPECIFIC verses from the Jewish Talmud explaining the pedophilia that took place against the 3-year old slave girls under the direct command of Moses.
While Christians are not obligated to follow the laws of the Talmud in their social lives, but the historical FACTS that exist in the Talmud about the Biblical verses Numbers 31:17-18 and Numbers 31:35-40 below, and how the "BIBLE FOLLOWERS" during those days were mostly pedophiles who literally forced sex on 3-year old girls after Moses' supposed 'Divine' order is clear indication that the Bible condones pedophilia.

Christians are not the only "Bible Followers".   Jews are too!
You also need to keep in mind that Christians are not the only "Bible followers".  Jews are too, and what ever they did counts for and against the Bible.
So while the pedophilic mentioned verses don't exactly specify the 3 years old minimum age limit, but they most certainly don't condemn it, and according to the Talmud's detailed elaborations on the verses, as shown below, and what actually took place during their events, the verses actually allowed it, AS MOSES HIMSELF ALLOWED IT! 

Moses' Commands for pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls do count against the Bible!
As shown in the quotes below:
"....The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of MOSES to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children...."
"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."
"Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse....."
"A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."....."

The detailed quotes, elaborations and bibliography are in the next section below.
2-  Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible:
The Quotes and Proofs for Pedophilia
Please pay attention to the bolded and underlined parts below:
The following was taken from regarding Numbers 31:17-18 in the Bible:
"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man........Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.  (Numbers 31:7,17-18)"

Sometimes one has to read a passage twice to believe what has been written in the Sacred Books of Judaism: what has been decreed the way to a holy life by the "sages of blessed memory... whose words are the natural sounds of Judaism" [131]:
Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]
R. Nahman bar Isaac said. "They made the decree that a gentile child should be deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15], so that an Israelite child should not hang around with him and commit pederasty [as he does]."
For said R. Zira, "I had much anguish with R. Assi, and R. Assi with R. Yohanan, and R. Yohanan with R. Yannai, and R. Yannai with R. Nathan b. Amram, and R. Nathan b. Amram with Rabbi [on this matter]: 'From what age is a gentile child deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15]'? And he said to me, 'On the day on which he is born.' But when I came to R. Hiyya, he said to me, 'From the age of nine years and one day.' And when I came and laid the matter before Rabbi, he said to me, 'Discard my reply and adopt that of R. Hiyya, who declared, "From what age is a gentile child deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15]? From the age of nine years and one day."'
[37A] Since he is then suitable for having sexual relations, he also is deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [of Lev.15]."
Said Rabina, "Therefore a gentile girl who is three years and one day old, since she is then suitable to have sexual relations, also imparts uncleanness of the flux variety."
That is self-evident!

Abodah Zarah 36B-37A [133]
The basis for these rulings is the following Mishnaic passage of Tractate Niddah (filth):
A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."
And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And they are liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer. If she was married to a priest, she eats heave offering. If one of those who are unfit for marriage has intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If one of all those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her did so, they are put to death on her account. But she is free of responsibility.
If she is younger than that age, intercourse with her is like putting a finger in the eye.
(Mishnah Niddah 5:4) [134]
Thus, one "of the many important issues worked out in the Mishnah concerns proper conduct with women," [135] and the "entire society of Judaism – that is, the community formed by the Torah – found in the Talmud those modes of thought and inquiry, those media of order and value, that guided the formation of public affairs and private life as well." [136]
While it is reassuring to see there was at least some limit as to what the sages would declare holy and moral, this ruling had severe implications on the interpretation of other topics as well. The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of Moses to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children:
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him.(Num 31:17).
[This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]
According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, Moses therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]

[130] J. Neusner, The Talmud of Babylonia, vol.XX.A, Tractate Baba Qamma, Atlanta: Scholars Press 1992, 111.
[131] Ibid., vol.XXI.A-D, Tractate Bava Mesia, Atlanta: Scholars Press 1990, p.ix-x.
[132] Ibid., vol.XXIII.B, Tractate Sanhedrin 1984, 150. See also vol.XIX.A, Tractate Qiddushin 10a-b, 1992, 33. "Menstruating" here of course refers to the ritual "flux uncleanness" described in Lev.15.
[133] Ibid., vol.XXV.A, Tractate Abodah Zarah, 1991, 168. Emphasis original.
[134] J. Neusner, The Talmud of Babylonia. A complete outline, Part IV. The Division of Holy Things. B. Number 37. 1995, 704.
[135] Neusner 1993, 41.
[136] Neusner 1995, 7.
[137] Kuhn 1959, §157, 652f. My translation. In general, proselytes are not allowed to marry into the priesthood.
[138] Ibid., §157, footnote 86, 653.
The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Numbers 31:17-18 "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."
In the Torah (In the Book of Numbers in the Bible), after the conquest of Midian and Moab, and the great venereal plague, Moses (peace be on him) ordered that all the women "who have known a man" be killed but that "all the young girls, who have not known a man by lying with him" be kept alive for the Israelites.
Since the only females left fit for marriage and wholesome relations were prepubescent virgins, a Jewish law concerning child marriage was enacted. That law is found in the Babylonian Talmud:
"Rabbi Joseph said, 'Come and hear. A maiden aged 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.'
Mishnah: A girl of the age of 3 years and a day may be betrothed, subject to her father's approval, by sexual intercourse.
Gemara: Our Rabbis taught: 'A girl of the age of 3 years may be betrothed by sexual intercourse.' "
Is the GOD of Israel a pedophile?
Quick side Note:
Numbers 31:35-40 "[From the captives of war] 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.......of which the tribute for the LORD was 32 [among them were virgin girls]."
Even though GOD Almighty's share of the 32 virgin girls is metaphoric, meaning that He didn't come down and have sex with them, but if any wants to call Prophet Muhammad a pedophile or womanizer for marrying (not forcing into sex) a young girl and marrying multiple women throughout his life, then he should not only call his Biblical Prophets as such, but also the GOD of Israel Himself!
Anyway continuing with the above Talmudic quotes, today, the Jewish law for marriage, sets the age of consent for females at 11.  (Consent is only one way of marriage) I do not know if modern Jewish law still allows (in theory) betrothal by intercourse as it was practiced in ancient times.

Thirty years ago, the renowned sexologist R.E.L. Masters and Allan Edwardes said in their study of Afro-Asian sexual expres​sion(_The Cradle of Erotica_, Julian Press, New York:1962) said, "Today, in many parts of North Africa, Arabia, and India, girls are wedded and bedded between the ages of five and nine; and no self-respecting female remains unmarried beyond the age of puberty."

I emailed a friend of mine, a former Jew who speaks Hebrew, and he further gave me more information regarding the Jewish view to marriage:

"I have just called up a seriously orthodox friend, a dealer in manuscripts with whom I do business, and a good fellow, to double check my response, and we are in perfect agreement. He runs a strictly orthodox and observant home and life, dresses in black, etc...I checked with him about it, as my own copy of the Code of Jewish Law is the shortened version, known as the "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch". The full book is the "Shulchan Aruch", which means "The Well-Set Table" (The Jews have a talent for clever book-titles).

This is the reference of brother Johnny Bravo's Talmudic quotes.
A girl must be 12 years old for marriage, but a 3-year old may be betrothed with the father's approval. As for the permissibility of marriage to a minor (katanah) by coition...*Fuggedaboudit!!* as they say in the Mafia. My friend assures me that *humanitarian treatment* is the final authority. If a man did that, that is, had intercourse with a minor for purposes of marriage,it would be considered a crime, even if the father approved. A girl that young would be considered unable to make a momentous decision like that. And even if she were older than 12, if it were done by force, as if she were a Moabite captive, they would be made to divorce once the circumstances were known.
Furthermore, and very importantly, the Jews are *required* to observe the "deen hammalchut"...the laws of the country in which they reside, before applying their own halacha, or laws. So the short answer is, yes, marriage by coition is considered legal, but not with a katanah, and never by force. Betrothal to a katanah is OK, but the bride must reach puberty before actual marriage and consummation. Also, according to my own exceedingly imperfect knowledge, nowhere in the Talmud is betrothal to a minor by intercourse *recommended*. If all this were permissible in the days of the Mishna, well, those days are gone."
3-  Age consent in our world today only 100 years ago to girls as young as 10:
The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Assalam Alaiqum Brother Osama.

I thought you might find the following information of some use pertaining to the marriage of Hazrat Ayesha (RAA) with Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). I took this info from the soc.religion.islam newsgroup and it is written by various knowledgeable Muslims informing that the age of consent in the USA was 10 hardly 100 years ago and 11 in the UK, Talmud allowing 3 year olds to get married! etc. :-
"(And there is evidence that Ayesha was substantially older. That some of our ancient scholars preferred the younger age shows, in fact, that they did not consider marriage at that age to be reprehensible, otherwise they would have preferred the evidence for a later marriage and consummation.)
At the time the marriage was arranged, Muhammad had not left Makka; he was not the leader of a powerful community; indeed, his life was in danger. I raise this point because it is asserted, sometimes, that, essentially, he could have whatever he wanted. Rather, if this marriage had been an outrage to the community, it would have been *very* harmful to his cause."

Above comments by Abdulrahman Lomax.
The age of sexual consent is still quite low in many places. In Japan, people can legally have sex at age 13, and in Spain they can legally have sex at age 12.  (This data comes from the Age of Consent chart, which you can see at:

The Prophet's contemporaries (both enemies and friends) clearly accepted the Prophet's marriage to `Aisha without any problem. We see the evidence for this by the lack of criticism against the marriage until modern times. However, a change in culture caused the change in our times today.
A 40-year-old man having sex with a 14-year-old woman may be a "pedophile" in the USA today, but not in China today (where the age of consent is 14), nor in the USA last century. Biology is a much better standard by which to determine these things in my view, not the arbitrariness of human culture.

***** In the USA last century, the age of consent was 10 years old. California was the first state to change the age of consent to 14, which it did in 1889. After California, other US states joined in and raised the age of consent too.  (Source:
***** In the US-State of Delaware in 1880, the minimum age for marriage was 7 years old. (Source, 2)
Some Facts:
1-  The Bible's Prophets, and even Roman Emperors married girls as young as 8! [1]
2-  Mary got pregnant between the ages of 11 and 14 [2].
3-  The minimum age for marriage in the US-State of Delaware in year 1880 was 7 ]3].
4-  According to the Jewish Talmud, as we've seen above, Prophet Moses and his followers had sex with girls as young as 3 years old ]4].  Yes, THREE years old.  You read it right.
As for the reasons why we age of consent just seems to get higher and higher, Essentially, we need more education just to survive in today's society, and this takes much more time. This additional education we need to function in today's society seems to me to be the main cause of the increase in the age of consent in many 20th century societies.  The Common Law age of consent was 10. The French penal code raised the age from 11 to 13 only a century ago.  In England, it was only in 1929 (70 years ago) that the ancient Christian minimum age for the marriage of females, which was 12, was abandoned. The early rock and roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis was considerably older than his 13 cousin whom he married in all legality in Arkansas. Since then, the age there has been raised to 16.  That marriage lasted for about 15 years and there was never any other "scandal" associated with Jerry Lee Lewis. The story is quite different, however, for his cousin Jimmy Swaggart (the well-known and disgraced tele-evangelist) who married a woman his own age but later publicly confessed that he was an adulterer and a whoremonger.
In the seventh century, 3 year old girls were burned to death or tortured in Europe for copulating with demons, witches and sorcerers. Strong sexual passions were attributed to the youngest children.  Even Jean Bodin, one of the greatest legal authorities of his time, said that the appropriate age of consent for a female was 6. (I do not mean to suggest that 3 year olds did in fact have sexual relations with demons. It is however interesting to see that at that time it was publicly believed that child-adult relations were the fault of seductive children who sought out mature men rather than today's popular belief that it is instead pedophiliac adults who prey on innocent, unsuspecting children.)
In the US (an example of a prominent western country, since the west had the greatest effect on the world in the last couple of centuries.) They considered a seven year old female competent on making decisions regarding sex, though it was raised later on (in 1886, after attempts to raise the age of consent, Delaware was the only state to retain the common law age of seven, while twenty five states set the minimum age at a mere ten.) In older times, children were not perceived in the same sense that we perceive them, but the perception was changed gradually, which is due to a great extent to industrialization, and of course sigmund freud and others came along with their theories and supported these changes in social thinking (the word adolescent itself was introduced as recently as 1904.)

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Thu 29 Aug 2013, 3:34 pm

juruselamat2 wrote:Bunda Maria ternyata hamil pada saat usia 11 tahun.

Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible.  Also, the age consent in US and Europe was as low as 10:
The sections of this article are:
1-  Pedophilia and killing of "suckling infants" in the Bible!
2-  Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex and marriage in both the Talmud and the Bible.

3-  Age consent in our world today only 100 years ago to girls as young as 10.
4-  Rebuttals. 
See my rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's response.


1-  Pedophilia and killing "suckling infants" in the Bible!
Ironically, one of the Bible's 10 pillars or ten Commandments says: "Thou shalt not kill.  (Exodus 20:13)."  Yet, innocent children and non-virgin women were ordered to be killed by the mass, perhaps in thousands!   3-year old slave girls were also ordered to be raped by Moses. 
This section is divided into 2 sub-sections:
1-  Kill everything that breathes!
2-  Suckling infants were executed by the tens of thousands!
3-  The pedophilic verses against 3-year old girls.
1-  Kill everything that "breathes" from humans and animals!
Deuteronomy 20:16
However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes.
It is certainly the Bible's principle and foundation to kill all humans and animals from the enemy's side.  If one wouldn't call that terrorism, war crimes and mass-murdering, then what else should they call it?
2-  Suckling infants were executed by the tens of thousands:
1 Samuel 15:2-4
2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt.
3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
4 And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah.

A praise for dashing little children against rocks as a form of revenge:
Psalm 137:8-9
8 O daughter of Babylon, O destroyed one, O the happiness of him who repayeth to thee thy deed, That thou hast done to us.
9 O the happiness of him who doth seize, And hath dashed thy sucklings on the rock!

I find it to be absolutely ridiculous that the bible feeds us all kinds of lies and contradictions about "love your enemy", and yet, we see mass slaughter of suckling infants and innocent boys, girls, unarmed men, women (old and young), and innocent domestic farm animals by the tens of thousands!  It is clear that the inconsistent man-altered, man-corrupted and morally corrupt bible is nothing but a false book, and can not be a Divine and Perfect Holy Book!
I challenge any Jew or Christian to produce ONE, JUST ONE Noble Verse from the Muslims' Noble Quran that condones killing of innocent children, women or even hostile enemy men who drop their weapons before Muslims (surrender). 
See the Rights of Prisoners of War in Islam. 

Further more, Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.  (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"
Yet, we see mass slaughters and even rape of 3-year old girls as seen in the verses below in the man-altered, man-fabricated and man-corrupted bible.
Based on this Noble Verse, I can safely conclude, as a Muslim, that the slaughtering stories of innocent people in the corrupted bible were nothing but man-made lies and laws that were put in the Mouth of Allah Almighty:
"Know they not Allah Knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal? And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book (i.e., the Bible), but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,' To traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.   (The Noble Quran, 2:77-79)"
3-  The Pedophilic Verses against 3-year old girls:
The pedophilic Biblical verses are Numbers 31:17-18 and Numbers 31:35-40.  Below, you will see DETAILED HISTORY on these SPECIFIC verses from the Jewish Talmud explaining the pedophilia that took place against the 3-year old slave girls under the direct command of Moses.
While Christians are not obligated to follow the laws of the Talmud in their social lives, but the historical FACTS that exist in the Talmud about the Biblical verses Numbers 31:17-18 and Numbers 31:35-40 below, and how the "BIBLE FOLLOWERS" during those days were mostly pedophiles who literally forced sex on 3-year old girls after Moses' supposed 'Divine' order is clear indication that the Bible condones pedophilia.

Christians are not the only "Bible Followers".   Jews are too!
You also need to keep in mind that Christians are not the only "Bible followers".  Jews are too, and what ever they did counts for and against the Bible.
So while the pedophilic mentioned verses don't exactly specify the 3 years old minimum age limit, but they most certainly don't condemn it, and according to the Talmud's detailed elaborations on the verses, as shown below, and what actually took place during their events, the verses actually allowed it, AS MOSES HIMSELF ALLOWED IT! 

Moses' Commands for pedophilia against 3-year old slave girls do count against the Bible!
As shown in the quotes below:
"....The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of MOSES to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children...."
"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."
"Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse....."
"A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."....."

The detailed quotes, elaborations and bibliography are in the next section below.
2-  Girls at the age of 3 were forced into sex in both the Talmud and the Bible:
The Quotes and Proofs for Pedophilia
Please pay attention to the bolded and underlined parts below:
The following was taken from regarding Numbers 31:17-18 in the Bible:
"They fought against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses, and killed every man........Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.  (Numbers 31:7,17-18)"

Sometimes one has to read a passage twice to believe what has been written in the Sacred Books of Judaism: what has been decreed the way to a holy life by the "sages of blessed memory... whose words are the natural sounds of Judaism" [131]:
Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5].
Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]
R. Nahman bar Isaac said. "They made the decree that a gentile child should be deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15], so that an Israelite child should not hang around with him and commit pederasty [as he does]."
For said R. Zira, "I had much anguish with R. Assi, and R. Assi with R. Yohanan, and R. Yohanan with R. Yannai, and R. Yannai with R. Nathan b. Amram, and R. Nathan b. Amram with Rabbi [on this matter]: 'From what age is a gentile child deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15]'? And he said to me, 'On the day on which he is born.' But when I came to R. Hiyya, he said to me, 'From the age of nine years and one day.' And when I came and laid the matter before Rabbi, he said to me, 'Discard my reply and adopt that of R. Hiyya, who declared, "From what age is a gentile child deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [described at Lev.15]? From the age of nine years and one day."'
[37A] Since he is then suitable for having sexual relations, he also is deemed unclean with the flux uncleanness [of Lev.15]."
Said Rabina, "Therefore a gentile girl who is three years and one day old, since she is then suitable to have sexual relations, also imparts uncleanness of the flux variety."
That is self-evident!

Abodah Zarah 36B-37A [133]
The basis for these rulings is the following Mishnaic passage of Tractate Niddah (filth):
A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. "A girl three years old may be betrothed through an act of sexual intercourse," the words of R. Meir. And sages say, "Three years and one day old."
And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And they are liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer. If she was married to a priest, she eats heave offering. If one of those who are unfit for marriage has intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If one of all those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her did so, they are put to death on her account. But she is free of responsibility.
If she is younger than that age, intercourse with her is like putting a finger in the eye.
(Mishnah Niddah 5:4) [134]
Thus, one "of the many important issues worked out in the Mishnah concerns proper conduct with women," [135] and the "entire society of Judaism – that is, the community formed by the Torah – found in the Talmud those modes of thought and inquiry, those media of order and value, that guided the formation of public affairs and private life as well." [136]
While it is reassuring to see there was at least some limit as to what the sages would declare holy and moral, this ruling had severe implications on the interpretation of other topics as well. The Tannaïtic Midrash Sifre to Numbers in §157 comments on the above quoted commandment of Moses to kill the Midianite women as well as the male children:
"Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him.(Num 31:17).
[This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]
According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, Moses therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]

[130] J. Neusner, The Talmud of Babylonia, vol.XX.A, Tractate Baba Qamma, Atlanta: Scholars Press 1992, 111.
[131] Ibid., vol.XXI.A-D, Tractate Bava Mesia, Atlanta: Scholars Press 1990, p.ix-x.
[132] Ibid., vol.XXIII.B, Tractate Sanhedrin 1984, 150. See also vol.XIX.A, Tractate Qiddushin 10a-b, 1992, 33. "Menstruating" here of course refers to the ritual "flux uncleanness" described in Lev.15.
[133] Ibid., vol.XXV.A, Tractate Abodah Zarah, 1991, 168. Emphasis original.
[134] J. Neusner, The Talmud of Babylonia. A complete outline, Part IV. The Division of Holy Things. B. Number 37. 1995, 704.
[135] Neusner 1993, 41.
[136] Neusner 1995, 7.
[137] Kuhn 1959, §157, 652f. My translation. In general, proselytes are not allowed to marry into the priesthood.
[138] Ibid., §157, footnote 86, 653.
The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Numbers 31:17-18 "Now kill all the boys [innocent kids]. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man."
In the Torah (In the Book of Numbers in the Bible), after the conquest of Midian and Moab, and the great venereal plague, Moses (peace be on him) ordered that all the women "who have known a man" be killed but that "all the young girls, who have not known a man by lying with him" be kept alive for the Israelites.
Since the only females left fit for marriage and wholesome relations were prepubescent virgins, a Jewish law concerning child marriage was enacted. That law is found in the Babylonian Talmud:
"Rabbi Joseph said, 'Come and hear. A maiden aged 3 years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition.'
Mishnah: A girl of the age of 3 years and a day may be betrothed, subject to her father's approval, by sexual intercourse.
Gemara: Our Rabbis taught: 'A girl of the age of 3 years may be betrothed by sexual intercourse.' "
Is the GOD of Israel a pedophile?
Quick side Note:
Numbers 31:35-40 "[From the captives of war] 32,000 women who had never slept with a man.......of which the tribute for the LORD was 32 [among them were virgin girls]."
Even though GOD Almighty's share of the 32 virgin girls is metaphoric, meaning that He didn't come down and have sex with them, but if any wants to call Prophet Muhammad a pedophile or womanizer for marrying (not forcing into sex) a young girl and marrying multiple women throughout his life, then he should not only call his Biblical Prophets as such, but also the GOD of Israel Himself!
Anyway continuing with the above Talmudic quotes, today, the Jewish law for marriage, sets the age of consent for females at 11.  (Consent is only one way of marriage) I do not know if modern Jewish law still allows (in theory) betrothal by intercourse as it was practiced in ancient times.

Thirty years ago, the renowned sexologist R.E.L. Masters and Allan Edwardes said in their study of Afro-Asian sexual expres​sion(_The Cradle of Erotica_, Julian Press, New York:1962) said, "Today, in many parts of North Africa, Arabia, and India, girls are wedded and bedded between the ages of five and nine; and no self-respecting female remains unmarried beyond the age of puberty."

I emailed a friend of mine, a former Jew who speaks Hebrew, and he further gave me more information regarding the Jewish view to marriage:

"I have just called up a seriously orthodox friend, a dealer in manuscripts with whom I do business, and a good fellow, to double check my response, and we are in perfect agreement. He runs a strictly orthodox and observant home and life, dresses in black, etc...I checked with him about it, as my own copy of the Code of Jewish Law is the shortened version, known as the "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch". The full book is the "Shulchan Aruch", which means "The Well-Set Table" (The Jews have a talent for clever book-titles).

This is the reference of brother Johnny Bravo's Talmudic quotes.
A girl must be 12 years old for marriage, but a 3-year old may be betrothed with the father's approval. As for the permissibility of marriage to a minor (katanah) by coition...*Fuggedaboudit!!* as they say in the Mafia. My friend assures me that *humanitarian treatment* is the final authority. If a man did that, that is, had intercourse with a minor for purposes of marriage,it would be considered a crime, even if the father approved. A girl that young would be considered unable to make a momentous decision like that. And even if she were older than 12, if it were done by force, as if she were a Moabite captive, they would be made to divorce once the circumstances were known.
Furthermore, and very importantly, the Jews are *required* to observe the "deen hammalchut"...the laws of the country in which they reside, before applying their own halacha, or laws. So the short answer is, yes, marriage by coition is considered legal, but not with a katanah, and never by force. Betrothal to a katanah is OK, but the bride must reach puberty before actual marriage and consummation. Also, according to my own exceedingly imperfect knowledge, nowhere in the Talmud is betrothal to a minor by intercourse *recommended*. If all this were permissible in the days of the Mishna, well, those days are gone."
3-  Age consent in our world today only 100 years ago to girls as young as 10:
The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him:
Assalam Alaiqum Brother Osama.

I thought you might find the following information of some use pertaining to the marriage of Hazrat Ayesha (RAA) with Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). I took this info from the soc.religion.islam newsgroup and it is written by various knowledgeable Muslims informing that the age of consent in the USA was 10 hardly 100 years ago and 11 in the UK, Talmud allowing 3 year olds to get married! etc. :-
"(And there is evidence that Ayesha was substantially older. That some of our ancient scholars preferred the younger age shows, in fact, that they did not consider marriage at that age to be reprehensible, otherwise they would have preferred the evidence for a later marriage and consummation.)
At the time the marriage was arranged, Muhammad had not left Makka; he was not the leader of a powerful community; indeed, his life was in danger. I raise this point because it is asserted, sometimes, that, essentially, he could have whatever he wanted. Rather, if this marriage had been an outrage to the community, it would have been *very* harmful to his cause."

Above comments by Abdulrahman Lomax.
The age of sexual consent is still quite low in many places. In Japan, people can legally have sex at age 13, and in Spain they can legally have sex at age 12.  (This data comes from the Age of Consent chart, which you can see at:

The Prophet's contemporaries (both enemies and friends) clearly accepted the Prophet's marriage to `Aisha without any problem. We see the evidence for this by the lack of criticism against the marriage until modern times. However, a change in culture caused the change in our times today.
A 40-year-old man having sex with a 14-year-old woman may be a "pedophile" in the USA today, but not in China today (where the age of consent is 14), nor in the USA last century. Biology is a much better standard by which to determine these things in my view, not the arbitrariness of human culture.

***** In the USA last century, the age of consent was 10 years old. California was the first state to change the age of consent to 14, which it did in 1889. After California, other US states joined in and raised the age of consent too.  (Source:
***** In the US-State of Delaware in 1880, the minimum age for marriage was 7 years old. (Source, 2)
Some Facts:
1-  The Bible's Prophets, and even Roman Emperors married girls as young as 8! [1]
2-  Mary got pregnant between the ages of 11 and 14 [2].
3-  The minimum age for marriage in the US-State of Delaware in year 1880 was 7 ]3].
4-  According to the Jewish Talmud, as we've seen above, Prophet Moses and his followers had sex with girls as young as 3 years old ]4].  Yes, THREE years old.  You read it right.
As for the reasons why we age of consent just seems to get higher and higher, Essentially, we need more education just to survive in today's society, and this takes much more time. This additional education we need to function in today's society seems to me to be the main cause of the increase in the age of consent in many 20th century societies.  The Common Law age of consent was 10. The French penal code raised the age from 11 to 13 only a century ago.  In England, it was only in 1929 (70 years ago) that the ancient Christian minimum age for the marriage of females, which was 12, was abandoned. The early rock and roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis was considerably older than his 13 cousin whom he married in all legality in Arkansas. Since then, the age there has been raised to 16.  That marriage lasted for about 15 years and there was never any other "scandal" associated with Jerry Lee Lewis. The story is quite different, however, for his cousin Jimmy Swaggart (the well-known and disgraced tele-evangelist) who married a woman his own age but later publicly confessed that he was an adulterer and a whoremonger.
In the seventh century, 3 year old girls were burned to death or tortured in Europe for copulating with demons, witches and sorcerers. Strong sexual passions were attributed to the youngest children.  Even Jean Bodin, one of the greatest legal authorities of his time, said that the appropriate age of consent for a female was 6. (I do not mean to suggest that 3 year olds did in fact have sexual relations with demons. It is however interesting to see that at that time it was publicly believed that child-adult relations were the fault of seductive children who sought out mature men rather than today's popular belief that it is instead pedophiliac adults who prey on innocent, unsuspecting children.)
In the US (an example of a prominent western country, since the west had the greatest effect on the world in the last couple of centuries.) They considered a seven year old female competent on making decisions regarding sex, though it was raised later on (in 1886, after attempts to raise the age of consent, Delaware was the only state to retain the common law age of seven, while twenty five states set the minimum age at a mere ten.) In older times, children were not perceived in the same sense that we perceive them, but the perception was changed gradually, which is due to a great extent to industrialization, and of course sigmund freud and others came along with their theories and supported these changes in social thinking (the word adolescent itself was introduced as recently as 1904.)

again....hoaxes made by

dear juruselamat2, do you really understand the articles you've posted above???

if you really do, please share that in bahasa so other members in this forum could

participate in exposing moslems taqiyas...hihhhihii.....


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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by gusti_bara Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:31 am

Gileeee bennnneeerrrrr neh ajaran paulus.... main colok2an, main incest incetan, main bunuh2an... wah ueduan!!!!

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:57 am

gusti_bara wrote:Gileeee bennnneeerrrrr neh ajaran paulus.... main colok2an, main incest incetan, main bunuh2an... wah ueduan!!!!

jadi ketahuan ga ngerti bahasa inggris ya.... huahahahaha.....

kalo ngerti bahasa inggris mah, jelas artikel di atas cuma maen potong ayat dan hoax...yang sangat mudah dijawab, seperti hoax daging babi disiram cocacola keluar ulat huahahaha..

edun hoax bin taqiya khas muslim...



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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Wed 04 Sep 2013, 2:53 am


Yosua 6: 21 "Semua yang di dalam kota itu, tua muda, pria wanita, dibunuh dengan pedang. Segala ternak sapi, domba dan keledai pun dibunuh."

Ulangan 20:16 "Tetapi kalau kota itu ada di dalam wilayah yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu, seluruh penduduknya harus dibunuh."

Imamat 24: 16 "dan dihukum mati. Siapa saja yang mengutuk TUHAN harus dilempari dengan batu sampai mati oleh seluruh jemaat. Hukum itu berlaku untuk orang Israel maupun untuk orang asing yang sudah menetap di Israel."

1 Samuel 15: 3 "jadi, pergilah dan seranglah orang Amalek dan hancurkanlah segala milik mereka. Janganlah tinggalkan sesuatu apa pun; bunuhlah semua orang laki-laki, wanita, anak-anak dan bayi; juga sapi, domba, unta dan keledai.’‘"

Bilangan 31: 17 – 18 "Nah, sekarang bunuhlah setiap anak laki-laki dan setiap wanita yang bukan perawan lagi. 18 Tetapi semua perempuan yang masih perawan boleh kamu ambil untukmu. "

masih berani bilang alkitab itu isinya taqiya semua, jadi tuhan yesusmu juga cuma kibulan, dusta semata

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Wed 04 Sep 2013, 10:13 am

juruselamat2 wrote:Nieh,

Yosua 6: 21 "Semua yang di dalam kota itu, tua muda, pria wanita, dibunuh dengan pedang. Segala ternak sapi, domba dan keledai pun dibunuh."

Ulangan 20:16 "Tetapi kalau kota itu ada di dalam wilayah yang diberikan TUHAN Allahmu kepadamu, seluruh penduduknya harus dibunuh."

Imamat 24: 16 "dan dihukum mati. Siapa saja yang mengutuk TUHAN harus dilempari dengan batu sampai mati oleh seluruh jemaat. Hukum itu berlaku untuk orang Israel maupun untuk orang asing yang sudah menetap di Israel."

1 Samuel 15: 3 "jadi, pergilah dan seranglah orang Amalek dan hancurkanlah segala milik mereka. Janganlah tinggalkan sesuatu apa pun; bunuhlah semua orang laki-laki, wanita, anak-anak dan bayi; juga sapi, domba, unta dan keledai.’‘"

Bilangan 31: 17 – 18 "Nah, sekarang bunuhlah setiap anak laki-laki dan setiap wanita yang bukan perawan lagi. 18 Tetapi semua perempuan yang masih perawan boleh kamu ambil untukmu. "

masih berani bilang alkitab itu isinya taqiya semua, jadi tuhan yesusmu juga cuma kibulan, dusta semata


pake nieh nih sekarang pake nope gope cepe lagi huahhaahaha...


pertama ya non......artinya kamu ga paham alur waktu alkitab....huahahahahaha...pahami perbedaan waktu antara perjanjian baru dan perjanjian lama....huahahaha

kedua..coba lihat....ayat-ayat yang kamu kutip itu konteksnya apa huahahaha....jangan cuma potong seuprit ayat tanpa lihat konteks keseluruhan huahahaha..

ketiga....cermati pelakunya siapa dalam kisah yang ayatnya kamu kutip itu huahahahaha...apakah Yesus pelakunya perangnya/pembunuhnya?? huahahaha

kalau muhammad..dia sendiri sering berperang/membunuh..sampai akhirnya mampus keracunan waktu perang di khaibar huahahahaha....


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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Thu 05 Sep 2013, 12:06 am

ayat-ayat itu perintah tuhanmu, memangnya tuhannya PL dengan PB
dan sudah rahasia umum, perintah tuhanmu itu bisa seenaknya direvisi oleh para pemuka agama kristen itu sendiri, para pendeta pastor dll.
karena perintah tuhanmu yang sangat melawan kodrat manusia, perintah dari tuhan palsu yang lalu dipalsukan lagi, semakin parah.

Ayat-ayat Kejam didalam Injil yang tidak mungkin bisa dipraktekkan

Orang-orang yang ditolak oleh Yesus hingga kesepuluh keturunan:

Ul. 23:2 Seorang anak haram janganlah masuk jemaah TUHAN, bahkan keturunannya yang kesepuluhpun tidak boleh masuk jemaah TUHAN.

Dari ayat diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa apabila ada salah satu dari umat Kristiani melakukan hubungan sex diluar nikah sehingga dia hamil, maka anak dari perempuan itu tidak dianggap jemaah Tuhan Yesus hingga keturunan ke sepuluh. Padahal itu jelas dosa orang tua, mengapa anak yang menanggung beban dosa hingga sepuluh turunan. Segitulah kejamnya Tuhan Yesus.

Hak. 13:7 Tetapi ia berkata kepadaku: Engkau akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki; oleh sebab itu janganlah minum anggur atau minuman yang memabukkan dan janganlah makan sesuatu yang haram, sebab sejak dari kandungan ibunya sampai pada hari matinya, anak itu akan menjadi seorang nazir Allah."
Nadir itu adalah hina, atau bersifat rendahan. Dari ayat diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa apabila seorang ibu yang mengandung minum minuman keras atau menggunakan narkoba, maka anaknya sampai mati merupakan jemaah Tuhan Yesus yang paling hina. Kejam sekali, padahal jelas itu adalah dosa orang tua. Lalu bagaimana dengan kebiasaan orang-orang barat dan orang batak, toraja, kupang, NTT, NTB, dsb yang sebagian besar beragama Kristiani yang gemar mabuk-mabukkan. Berarti mereka semua terhina dihadapan Tuhan Yesus sampai mati.

23:1 "Orang yang hancur buah pelirnya atau yang terpotong kemaluannya, janganlah masuk jemaah TUHAN.
Dari ayat diatas, dijelaskan bahwa orang yang hancur buah pelirnya dan yang terpotong (dipotong tidak sengaja) kemaluannya, dilarang masuk jemaah Tuhan. Ini sangat mengerikan sekali, kasian sekali bagi mereka-mereka yang secara tidak sengaja mengalami kecelakaan hingga mengakibatkan itu terjadi. Berarti mereka dikeluarkan dari jamaah Tuhan Yesus.

Perintah membunuh dan menyiksa orang:
1. Hukum Sabat
Hari Sabat (Sabtu) adalah hari Tuhan yang harus dikuduskan. Pada hari itu setiap orang dilarang bekerja, dilarang memasang api di rumah (lampu, kompor, dan lain-lain) karena Sabat adalah hari perhentian penuh. Orang yang bekerja pada hari Sabtu harus dihukum mati (Keluaran 20:8-11,31:15,35:2-3).
Ayat ini mustahil dipraktekan di jaman modem. Siapa yang sanggup mengamalkan ? Siapa yang mau dibunuh apabila melanggar hukum Sabat ?
2. Bunuh orang kafir dan musyrik!! (Ulangan 13: 6-9)
Ayat ini memeiintahkan kewajiban membunuh orang yang mengajak menyembah tuhan selain Allah. Ayat ini tidak bisa diterapkan. Buktinya umat Yahudi dan Kristen tidak pernah membunuh umat Hindu, Budha, Kong Hu Chu, dan lain-lain.
3. Dilarang memakai pakaian yang dibuat dari pada dua jenis bahan (Imamat 19: 19).
Bila ayat ini diamalkan, maka manusia akan kembali kepada jaman primitif, ketinggalan jaman, ketinggalan gaya dan tidak modernis.
4. Cungkil mata yang menyesatkan orang untuk berbuat dosa (Matius 5:29).
Secara Letterlijk maupun Figuurlijk, ayat ini mustahil dipakai. Bila diterapkan, maka banyak orang Kristen menjadi buta.
5. Potong kaki dan tangan orang yang menyesatkan ke arah dosa (Matiusl8:8-9)
Secara Letterlijk maupun Figuurlijk, ayat ini mustahi dipakai. Bila diterapkan, maka banyak orang kristen menjadi pincang dan buntung.

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Thu 05 Sep 2013, 12:19 am

Lalu masih ada ayat-ayat kejam bible ini:

Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. 292600_364700550238672_967383746_n

[2 Samuel 6:6-7] Ketika mereka sampai ke tempat pengirikan Nakhon, maka Uza mengulurkan tangannya kepada tabut Allah itu, lalu memegangnya, karena lembu-lembu itu tergelincir. Maka bangkitlah murka Tuhan terhadap Uza, lalu Allah membunuh dia di sana karena keteledorannya itu; ia mati di sana dekat tabut Allah itu.

[Ulangan 13:6-11] Apabila saudaramu laki-laki, anak ibumu, atau anakmu laki-laki atau anakmu perempuan atau isterimu sendiri atau sahabat karibmu membujuk engkau diam-diam, katanya: Mari kita berbakti kepada allah lain yang tidak dikenal olehmu ataupun oleh nenek moyangmu, salah satu allah bangsa-bangsa sekelilingmu, baik yang dekat kepadamu maupun yang jauh dari padamu, dari ujung bumi ke ujung bumi, maka janganlah engkau mengalah kepadanya dan janganlah mendengarkan dia. Janganlah engkau merasa sayang kepadanya, janganlah engkau mengasihi dia dan janganlah menutupi salahnya, Tetapi bunuhlah dia! Pertama-tama tanganmu sendirilah yang bergerak untuk membunuh dia, kemudian seluruh rakyat. Engkau harus melempari dia dengan batu, sehingga mati, karena ia telah berikhtiar menyesatkan engkau dari pada Tuhan, Allahmu, yang telah membawa engkau keluar dari tanah Mesir, dari rumah perbudakan. Maka seluruh orang Israel akan mendengar dan menjadi takut, sehingga mereka tidak akan melakukan lagi perbuatan jahat seperti itu di tengah-tengahmu.

[Ulangan 17:2-5] "Apabila di tengah-tengahmu di salah satu tempatmu yang diberikan kepadamu oleh TUHAN, Allahmu, ada terdapat seorang laki-laki atau perempuan yang melakukan apa yang jahat di mata TUHAN, Allahmu, dengan melangkahi perjanjian-Nya, dan yang pergi beribadah kepada allah lain dan sujud menyembah kepadanya, atau kepada matahari atau bulan atau segenap tentara langit, hal yang telah Kularang itu; dan apabila hal itu diberitahukan atau terdengar kepadamu, maka engkau harus memeriksanya baik-baik. Jikalau ternyata benar dan sudah pasti, bahwa kekejian itu dilakukan di antara orang Israel, maka engkau harus membawa laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah melakukan perbuatan jahat itu ke luar ke pintu gerbang, kemudian laki-laki atau perempuan itu harus kau lempari dengan batu sampai mati.

[Ulangan 22:20-21] "Tetapi jika tuduhan itu benar dan tidak didapati tanda-tanda keperawanan pada si gadis pada malam pernikahan, maka haruslah si gadis dibawa ke luar ke depan pintu rumah ayahnya, dan orang-orang sekotanya haruslah melempari dia dengan batu, sehingga mati -- sebab dia telah menodai orang Israel dengan bersundal di rumah ayahnya. Demikianlah harus kauhapuskan yang jahat itu dari tengah-tengahmu."

[Ulangan 17:12] "Orang yang berlaku terlalu berani dengan tidak mendengarkan perkataan imam yang berdiri di sana sebagai pelayan Tuhan, Allahmu, ataupun perkataan hakim, maka orang itu harus mati. Demikianlah harus kauhapuskan yang jahat itu dari antara orang Israel.."

[Keluaran 22:18] "Seorang ahli sihir perempuan janganlah engkau biarkan hidup."

[Imamat 20:13] "Bila seorang laki-laki tidur dengan laki-laki secara orang bersetubuh dengan perempuan, jadi keduanya melakukan suatu kekejian, pastilah mereka dihukum mati dan darah mereka tertimpa kepada mereka sendiri."

[Imamat 20:27] "Apabila seorang laki-laki atau perempuan dirasuk arwah atau roh peramal,  pastilah mereka dihukum mati, yakni mereka harus dilontari dengan batu dan darah mereka tertimpa kepada mereka sendiri."

[Keluaran 21:15] "Siapa yang memukul ayahnya atau ibunya, pastilah ia dihukum mati."

[Amsal 20:20] "Siapa mengutuki ayah atau ibunya, pelitanya akan padam pada waktu gelap."

[Imamat 20:9] "Apabila ada seseorang yang mengutuki ayahnya atau ibunya, pastilah ia dihukum mati; ia telah mengutuki ayahnya atau ibunya, maka darahnya tertimpa kepadanya sendiri."

[Imamat 20:10] "Bila seorang laki-laki berzinah dengan isteri orang lain, yakni berzinah dengan isteri sesamanya manusia, pastilah keduanya dihukum mati, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan yang berzinah itu."

[Imamat 21:9] "Apabila anak perempuan seorang imam membiarkan kehormatannya dilanggar dengan bersundal, maka ia melanggar kekudusan ayahnya, dan ia harus dibakar dengan api.

[Keluaran 22:20] "Siapa yang mempersembahkan korban kepada allah kecuali kepada Tuhan sendiri, haruslah ia ditumpas."

[2 Tawarikh 15:12-13] "Setiap orang, baik anak-anak atau orang dewasa, baik laki-laki atau perempuan, yang tidak mencari TUHAN, Allah Israel, harus dihukum mati."

[Zakharia 13:3] "Dan apabila seseorang masih tampil sebagai nabi, maka ayahnya dan ibunya, yang telah memperanakkan dia, akan berkata kepadanya: Janganlah engkau hidup lagi, sebab yang kaukatakan demi nama TUHAN itu adalah dusta! Lalu ayahnya dan ibunya, yang telah memperanakkan dia, akan menikam dia pada waktu ia bernubuat."

[Ulangan 13:1-5] Apabila di tengah-tengahmu muncul seorang nabi atau seorang pemimpin, dan ia memberitahukan kepadamu suatu tanda atau mujizat, dan apabila tanda atau mujizat yang dikatakannya kepadamu itu terjadi, dan ia membujuk: Mari kita mengikuti allah lain, yang tidak kaukenal, dan mari kita berbakti kepadanya, maka janganlah engkau mendengarkan perkataan nabi atau pemimpi itu; sebab Tuhan, Allahmu, mencoba kamu untuk mengetahui, apakah kamu sungguh-sungguh mengasihi Tuhan, Allahmu, dengan segenap hatimu dan dengan segenap jiwamu. Tuhan, Allahmu, harus kamu ikuti, kamu harus takut akan Dia, kamu harus berpegang pada perintah-Nya, suara-Nya harus kamu dengarkan, kepada-Nya harus kamu berbakti dan berpaut. Nabi atau pemimpi itu haruslah dihukum mati, karena ia telah mengajak murtad terhadap Tuhan, Allahmu, yang telah membawa kamu keluar dari tanah Mesir dan yang menebus engkau dari rumah perbudakan--dengan maksud untuk menyesatkan engkau dari jalan yang diperintahkan Tuhan, Allahmu, kepadamu untuk dijalani. Demikianlah harus kauhapuskan yang jahat itu dari tengah-tengahmu.

[Ulangan 18:20-22] Tetapi seorang nabi, yang terlalu berani untuk mengucapkan demi nama-Ku perkataan yang tidak Kuperintahkan untuk dikatakan olehnya, atau yang berkata demi nama allah lain, nabi itu harus mati. Jika sekiranya kamu berkata dalam hatimu: Bagaimanakah kami mengetahui perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan? Apabila seorang nabi berkata demi nama Tuhan dan perkataannya itu tidak terjadi dan tidak sampai, maka itulah perkataan yang tidak difirmankan Tuhan; dengan terlalu berani nabi itu telah mengatakannya, maka janganlah gentar kepadanya."

[Ulangan 13:13-18] Ada orang-orang dursila tampil dari tengah-tengahmu, yang telah menyesatkan penduduk kota mereka dengan berkata: Mari kita berbakti kepada allah lain yang tidak kamu kenal, maka haruslah engkau memeriksa, menyelidiki dan menanyakan baik-baik. Jikalau ternyata benar dan sudah pasti, bahwa kekejian itu dilakukan di tengah-tengahmu, maka bunuhlah dengan mata pedang penduduk kota itu, dan tumpaslah  dengan mata pedang kota itu serta segala isinya dan hewannya. Seluruh jarahan harus kaukumpulkan di tengah-tengah lapangan dan harus kaubakar habis kota dengan seluruh jarahan itu sebagai korban bakaran yang lengkap bagi Tuhan, Allahmu. Semuanya itu akan tetap menjadi timbunan puing untuk selamanya dan tidak akan dibangun kembali. Dari barang-barang yang dikhususkan itu janganlah apapun melekat pada tanganmu, supaya Tuhan berhenti dari murka-Nya yang bernyala-nyala itu, menunjukkan belas kasihan-Nya kepadamu, mengasihani engkau dan membuat jumlahmu banyak, seperti yang dijanjikan-Nya dengan sumpah kepada nenek moyangmu. Sebab dengan demikian engkau mendengarkan suara Tuhan, Allahmu, untuk berpegang pada segala perintah-Nya, yang kusampaikan kepadamu pada hari ini, dengan melakukan apa yang benar di mata Tuhan, Allahmu."

[Imamat 24:10-16] Pada suatu hari datanglah seorang laki-laki, ibunya seorang Israel sedang ayahnya seorang Mesir, di tengah-tengah perkemahan orang Israel; dan orang itu berkelahi dengan seorang Israel di perkemahan. Anak perempuan Israel itu menghujat nama Tuhan dengan mengutuk, lalu dibawalah ia kepada Musa. Nama ibunya ialah Selomit binti Dibri dari suku Dan. Ia dimasukkan dalam tahanan untuk menantikan keputusan sesuai dengan firman Tuhan. Lalu berfirmanlah Tuhan kepada Musa: "Bawalah orang yang mengutuk itu ke luar perkemahan dan semua orang yang mendengar haruslah meletakkan tangannya ke atas kepala orang itu, sesudahnya haruslah seluruh jemaat itu melontari dia batu. Engkau harus mengatakan kepada orang Israel, begini: Setiap orang yang mengutuki Allah harus menanggung kesalahannya sendiri. Siapa yang menghujat nama Tuhan, pastilah ia dihukum mati dan dilontari dengan batu oleh seluruh jemaat itu. Baik orang asing maupun orang Israel asli, bila ia menghujat nama Tuhan, haruslah dihukum mati.

[Roma 1:27] Demikian juga suami-suami meninggalkan persetubuhan yang wajar dengan isteri mereka dan menyala-nyala dalam berahi mereka seorang terhadap yang lain, sehingga mereka melakukan kemesuman, laki-laki dengan laki-laki, dan karena itu mereka menerima dalam diri mereka balasan yang setimpal untuk kesesatan mereka.

[Bilangan 1:51] Apabila berangkat, Kemah Suci harus dibongkar oleh orang Lewi, dan apabila berkemah, Kemah Suci harus dipasang oleh mereka; sedang orang awam yang mendekat harus dihukum mati.

[Keluaran 31:14-15] Haruslah kamu pelihara hari Sabat, sebab itulah hari kudus bagimu; siapa yang melanggar kekudusan hari Sabat itu, pastilah ia dihukum mati, sebab setiap orang yang melakukan pekerjaan pada hari itu, orang itu harus dilenyapkan dari antara bangsanya. Enam hari lamanya boleh dilakukan pekerjaan, tetapi pada hari yang ketujuh haruslah ada sabat, hari perhentian penuh, hari kudus bagi Tuhan: setiap orang yang melakukan pekerjaan pada hari Sabat, pastilah ia dihukum mati.

[2 Raja-raja 2:23-24] Elisa pergi dari sana ke Betel. Dan sedang ia mendaki, maka keluarlah anak-anak dari kota itu, lalu mencemoohkan dia serta berseru kepadanya: "Naiklah botak, naiklah botak!" Lalu berpalinglah ia ke belakang, dan ketika ia melihat mereka, dikutuknyalah mereka demi nama Tuhan. Maka keluarlah dua ekor beruang dari hutan, lalu mencabik-cabik dari mereka empat puluh dua orang anak.

[1Samuel 6:19-20] Dan ia membunuh beberapa orang Bet-Semes, karena mereka melihat ke dalam tabut TUHAN; Ia membunuh tujuh puluh orang dari rakyat itu. Rakyat itu berkabung, karena Tuhan menghajar mereka dengan dahsyatnya. Dan orang-orang Bet-Semes berkata: "Siapakah yang tahan berdiri di hadapan TUHAN, Allah yang kudus ini ? Kepada siapakah Ia akan berangkat meninggalkan kita?"
[Yesaya 14:21] 'Dirikanlah bagi anak-anak tempat pembantaian, oleh karena kesalahan nenek moyang mereka, supaya mereka jangan bangun dan menduduki bumi dan memenuhi dunia dengan kota-kota."

[Hakim-Hakim 19:29) "Sesampai di rumah, diambilnyalah pisau, dipegangnyalah mayat gundiknya, dipotong-potongnya menurut tulang-tulangnya menjadi dua belas potongan, lalu dikirimnya ke seluruh daerah orang Israel.


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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Fri 06 Sep 2013, 6:42 pm

juruselamat2 wrote:ayat-ayat itu perintah tuhanmu, memangnya tuhannya PL dengan PB
dan sudah rahasia umum, perintah tuhanmu itu bisa seenaknya direvisi oleh para pemuka agama kristen itu sendiri, para pendeta pastor dll.
karena perintah tuhanmu yang sangat melawan kodrat manusia, perintah dari tuhan palsu yang lalu dipalsukan lagi, semakin parah.

Ayat-ayat Kejam didalam Injil yang tidak mungkin bisa dipraktekkan

Orang-orang yang ditolak oleh Yesus hingga kesepuluh keturunan:

Ul. 23:2 Seorang anak haram janganlah masuk jemaah TUHAN, bahkan keturunannya yang kesepuluhpun tidak boleh masuk jemaah TUHAN.

Dari ayat diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa apabila ada salah satu dari umat Kristiani melakukan hubungan sex diluar nikah sehingga dia hamil, maka anak dari perempuan itu tidak dianggap jemaah Tuhan Yesus hingga keturunan ke sepuluh. Padahal itu jelas dosa orang tua, mengapa anak yang menanggung beban dosa hingga sepuluh turunan. Segitulah kejamnya Tuhan Yesus.

Hak. 13:7 Tetapi ia berkata kepadaku: Engkau akan mengandung dan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki; oleh sebab itu janganlah minum anggur atau minuman yang memabukkan dan janganlah makan sesuatu yang haram, sebab sejak dari kandungan ibunya sampai pada hari matinya, anak itu akan menjadi seorang nazir Allah."
Nadir itu adalah hina, atau bersifat rendahan. Dari ayat diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa apabila seorang ibu yang mengandung minum minuman keras atau menggunakan narkoba, maka anaknya sampai mati merupakan jemaah Tuhan Yesus yang paling hina. Kejam sekali, padahal jelas itu adalah dosa orang tua. Lalu bagaimana dengan kebiasaan orang-orang barat dan orang batak, toraja, kupang, NTT, NTB, dsb yang sebagian besar beragama Kristiani yang gemar mabuk-mabukkan. Berarti mereka semua terhina dihadapan Tuhan Yesus sampai mati.

23:1 "Orang yang hancur buah pelirnya atau yang terpotong kemaluannya, janganlah masuk jemaah TUHAN.
Dari ayat diatas, dijelaskan bahwa orang yang hancur buah pelirnya dan yang terpotong (dipotong tidak sengaja) kemaluannya, dilarang masuk jemaah Tuhan. Ini sangat mengerikan sekali, kasian sekali bagi mereka-mereka yang secara tidak sengaja mengalami kecelakaan hingga mengakibatkan itu terjadi. Berarti mereka dikeluarkan dari jamaah Tuhan Yesus.

Perintah membunuh dan menyiksa orang:
1. Hukum Sabat
Hari Sabat (Sabtu) adalah hari Tuhan yang harus dikuduskan. Pada hari itu setiap orang dilarang bekerja, dilarang memasang api di rumah (lampu, kompor, dan lain-lain) karena Sabat adalah hari perhentian penuh. Orang yang bekerja pada hari Sabtu harus dihukum mati (Keluaran 20:8-11,31:15,35:2-3).
Ayat ini mustahil dipraktekan di jaman modem. Siapa yang sanggup mengamalkan ? Siapa yang mau dibunuh apabila melanggar hukum Sabat ?
2. Bunuh orang kafir dan musyrik!! (Ulangan 13: 6-9)
Ayat ini memeiintahkan kewajiban membunuh orang yang mengajak menyembah tuhan selain Allah. Ayat ini tidak bisa diterapkan. Buktinya umat Yahudi dan Kristen tidak pernah membunuh umat Hindu, Budha, Kong Hu Chu, dan lain-lain.
3. Dilarang memakai pakaian yang dibuat dari pada dua jenis bahan (Imamat 19: 19).
Bila ayat ini diamalkan, maka manusia akan kembali kepada jaman primitif, ketinggalan jaman, ketinggalan gaya dan tidak modernis.
4. Cungkil mata yang menyesatkan orang untuk berbuat dosa (Matius 5:29).
Secara Letterlijk maupun Figuurlijk, ayat ini mustahil dipakai. Bila diterapkan, maka banyak orang Kristen menjadi buta.
5. Potong kaki dan tangan orang yang menyesatkan ke arah dosa (Matiusl8:8-9)
Secara Letterlijk maupun Figuurlijk, ayat ini mustahi dipakai. Bila diterapkan, maka banyak orang kristen menjadi pincang dan buntung.
huahahaha.... juga...huahahahaha

siapa yang bilang beda Tuhan??? huahahaha saya bilang alur waktu... huahahahahahaha
kamu mau menyesatkan ya...huahahahahaha......

silahkan potong ayat tanpa konteks dan tafsir seenak udelmu...huahahahaha
makanya kamu ga cerdas-cerdas....huahahaha potongan ayat yang serupa itu juga banyak di quranmu huahahahahaha..

tinggal buka mata buka telinga, perluas wawasanmu...
bagaimana islam musibah lil alamin..
mulai dari muhammad sudah membawa musibah berupa perang, perampokan, pembunuhan dlll...
dilanjutkan oleh pengikutnya, menjadikan islam maha musibah di dunia..
islam vs islam
islam vs kristen
islam vs budha
islam vs hindu

ga perlu potong ayat plintir tasfir.....huahaha..

mulai dari muhamad...islam sudah menebar musibah di dunia...huahahahaha


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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by kuku bima Sat 07 Sep 2013, 12:22 am

kuku bima
kuku bima

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http://Islam bukan agama ,tapi Idiologi mematikan..

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by gusti_bara Sat 07 Sep 2013, 7:23 pm

tuhan juga manusia.... punya lupa punya tledor... jangan kao samakan yesus dengan piso belati.....

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Sun 08 Sep 2013, 7:55 am

gusti_bara wrote:tuhan juga manusia.... punya lupa punya tledor... jangan kao samakan yesus dengan piso belati.....

muslimnya kalap....



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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by gusti_bara Sun 08 Sep 2013, 8:03 pm

Piss wrote:
gusti_bara wrote:tuhan juga manusia.... punya lupa punya tledor... jangan kao samakan yesus dengan piso belati.....

muslimnya kalap....

orang gila kadang tdk waras... dirinya yang teriak2 ngatain orang lain kalap... mana tulisan saya yang pake hurup besar semua kayak golongan kamu??

bahkan saya hanya senyum tanpa "hahahahahah" yang sedang menunjukan rasa kalap dan frustasi?? guna menutupi rasa inferiornya??
teriak terbahak2 hal yang lumrah dan jamak diketahui dalam dunia psikologi bahwa itu sedang menghibur diri atas ketidakmampuannya....
saya katakan seperti kancil yang menggertak macan, padahal duburnya kembang kempis... itulah yang dilakukan kelompok anda, menunjukkan kepongahannya, sepeti orang ngobat/ nge-flay biar seakan2 pede, biar seakan2 bahagia padahal semu....

lagian apa kamu bisa membantah bahwa yesus bukanlah manusia??? apa kamu bisa membantah bahwa yesus juga punya apa yang bisa kita rasakan?? seperti takut, berani, sedih, bahagia, laper dll???

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Sun 08 Sep 2013, 10:09 pm

gusti_bara wrote:
Piss wrote:
gusti_bara wrote:tuhan juga manusia.... punya lupa punya tledor... jangan kao samakan yesus dengan piso belati.....

muslimnya kalap....

orang gila kadang tdk waras... dirinya yang teriak2 ngatain orang lain kalap... mana tulisan saya yang pake hurup besar semua kayak golongan kamu??

bahkan saya hanya senyum tanpa "hahahahahah" yang sedang menunjukan rasa kalap dan frustasi?? guna menutupi rasa inferiornya??
teriak terbahak2 hal yang lumrah dan jamak diketahui dalam dunia psikologi bahwa itu sedang menghibur diri atas ketidakmampuannya....
saya katakan seperti kancil yang menggertak macan, padahal duburnya kembang kempis... itulah yang dilakukan kelompok anda, menunjukkan kepongahannya, sepeti orang ngobat/ nge-flay biar seakan2 pede, biar seakan2 bahagia padahal semu....

lagian apa kamu bisa membantah bahwa yesus bukanlah manusia??? apa kamu bisa membantah bahwa yesus juga punya apa yang bisa kita rasakan?? seperti takut, berani, sedih, bahagia, laper dll???

muslimnya tambah kalap...

jadi deh makin OOT...



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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Mon 09 Sep 2013, 1:31 pm

ciehmau ngeles...memang ayat bible itu pernuh kemesuman dan pornografi....

ayat tersebut jugalah yang menjadi dalil bagi para pastor pendeta yang melakukan pelecehan seks kepada anak-anak sampai mereka trauma dan jijik pada pastor pendeta pemerkosanya dan altar persembahan di gereja TKP (Tempat Kejadian PErkaranya). Kasus pemerkosaan yang di Belanda, bahkan VAtikan juga Amerika sudah pernah dan sering disidangkan, sedangkan yang di Indonesia masih berusaha di tutup-tutupi.

semua penipuan dan penyimpangan sex pastor dan pendeta itu ternyata ada dalilnya...di alkitab bejad.

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Piss Mon 09 Sep 2013, 4:57 pm

juruselamat2 wrote:ciehmau ngeles...memang ayat bible itu pernuh kemesuman dan pornografi....

ayat tersebut jugalah yang menjadi dalil bagi para pastor pendeta yang melakukan pelecehan seks kepada anak-anak sampai mereka trauma dan jijik pada pastor pendeta pemerkosanya dan altar persembahan di gereja TKP (Tempat Kejadian PErkaranya). Kasus pemerkosaan yang di Belanda, bahkan VAtikan juga Amerika sudah pernah dan sering disidangkan, sedangkan yang di Indonesia masih berusaha di tutup-tutupi.

semua penipuan dan penyimpangan sex pastor dan pendeta itu ternyata ada dalilnya...di alkitab bejad.


bukan ngeles..saya cuma ingetin supaya jangan kalap...nanti OOT huahahaha...

ga usah jauh-jauh ke luar negeri.....di indonesia saja banyak sekali anak-nak kecil korban kebiadaban ustadz dan kyai......bahkan TKPnya di mesjid.....sampai anak-nak itu trauma ke mesjid dan jijik lihat kyai dan ustadz......huahahaha...

banyak trit kebiadaban kyai dan ustadz di forum ini neng.....
silahkan cari sendiri...huahahaha..

kalo kesulitan sampaikan saja..nanti saya postingkan huahahaha


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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by juruselamat2 Fri 13 Sep 2013, 6:58 am

BEDAnya mereka itu cuma manusia biasa, dan Quran JELAS melarang mempusakai wanita dan nikah sebelum akil balik atau dewasa. Sedangkan di kristen ADA ayat dan dalilnya yang membolehkan perkosaan berkedok tes keperawanan, pedhofilia bagi para pemuka agamanya, para pastor dan pendeta yang tak kawin cuma beraninya sama anak kecil, juga incest.

para pastor dan pendeta yang mengalami penyimpangan seksual itu bukan manusia biasa, tapi pemuka agamanya yang bisa mengubah hukum agamanya sesuai seleranya.

sudah dibahas tuntas pula nieh disini:


Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. 416135  Basketball

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Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi. Empty Re: Alkitab: Pedophilia dan bunuh anak-anak usia 3 tahun dan bayi.

Post by Kafir13 Sat 14 Sep 2013, 1:36 pm

Slimah satu ini paling IDIOT yang pernah gue temuin

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